See some of her artworks:

What´s your real name? Do you wish you had any other name? Or did you ever use a pseudonym?
- My real name is Erica Lucy. When I was young I hated my last name because my nickname was "I love Lucy". I wanted to change it but now I kind of find it quirky and fun. :)
Where do you live and for how long? Your wish-I-lived-in country?
- I'm originally from Mississippi, I grew up in the southern United States and although I love it it can be very boring as I'm from a rural area. For the past four years I've been living in Philadelphia for college and I loved it! I'm hoping to move back once I start graduate School. There are to many countries I wished I lived in but I really love Japan, France, and Sweden.
A little about your art - when did you find out you like photography? What was your first photo ever taken?
- I've always been interested in art. And I decided I wanted to work in photography when I was very young. I haven't a clue when I first started taking photos but I was always the one taking pictures with the family camera, so there are many strange photos in our family photo albums. :)
What equipment do you use?
- Digital: Canon 30D with a 50 mm lens
Film: I have a Zenit-e, Canon eos k-2, Fed-5, and Yashica medium format camera. I've also used a Toyo 4x5 large format camera and a Hasselblad but they were school equipment. And I can't say for sure what the lens sizes are for any of them though sorry.
Do you produce any other kind of art?
- I've done everything. But I really love screen printing, drawing, pottery, book making, and mix media. In high school I even used to make puppets out of found objects. So I guess I've tried a lot of different things.
Share a few things you love and you couldn´t live without, please.
- I guess my cameras and maybe my silly boyfriend. :)
And a few things you can´t stand?
- Ignorant people are very hard to deal with.
Where do you go for inspiration?
- I'm very observant so I spend a lot of time just watching the world around me, also I work at a natural science museum so I'm always finding inspiration there. I'm also very influenced by other photographers and art in general.
Do you have your favourite photographers?
- Moriyama Daido, Alec Soth, and Nan Goldin are all very different but wonderful in their own way.
- I'm a wallflower.
You can find Erica at flickr and at her blog. Give her some support she truly deserves!
I feel for the problems with ignorant people, I would like to be able to share my photos without people taking things out of context.
feeling the same about the things I couldn't live without... Cameras+Boyfriend. Love the interview, Erica has a wonderful blog.
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